

factory for the manufacture of styrofoam products

EURODOM is a leading manufacturer and supplier of expanded polystyrene products for any purposes and needs of customers in the North Caucasus and Southern Federal Districts. It has been operating since 2002, constantly improving the quality of both already proven products and offering new ones in accordance with the needs of the market and customers.

Eurodom – production and sale of expanded polystyrene

Expanded polystyrene is a universal building material that is used to warm foundations, walls, ceilings and roofs of buildings. Durability, low coefficient of thermal conductivity, non-hydroscopicity and low cost make expanded polystyrene one of the most popular thermal insulation materials. It is possible to buy expanded polystyrene plates at favorable prices at Eurodom LLC.

The best choice of polystyrene foam products

Since 2002, our company has been manufacturing and selling expanded polystyrene. Over the course of our activity, we have repeatedly taken part in large construction projects that contributed to the development of residential buildings in Nevinnomyssk, Armavir and other cities of the Southern Federal District and North-Caucasian Federal District. Today, Eurodom LLC is the largest domestic manufacturer of expanded polystyrene products, which guarantees its customers a wide range of products, high quality and competitive prices.

We are engaged in the production of the following products from expanded polystyrene:

  • Insulation plates. It is possible to order expanded polystyrene plates from us for warming the foundation and the basement, facade, walls, floors and roofs. We also make insulation for partitions, self-supporting insulated panels, balconies and loggias. The advantage of polystyrene foam boards is their high tensile and compressive strength with low weight. This allows them to be used instead of mineral slabs and save on thermal insulation work.
  • Containers and packaging. Our company is engaged in the manufacture of boxes, pallets, lodgements and other packaging made of polystyrene foam. At the request of the client, we can produce packaging of any size and shape. The high cushioning properties of expanded polystyrene allow you to maintain the integrity of any of the most valuable and fragile cargo. Therefore, in containers made of expanded polystyrene, berries and fruits, equipment, furniture and more are transported.
  • Thermoformed plate. Especially for floor insulation, we manufacture thermoformed plates (PPS25F-T-B, PPS35F-T-B). Such plates have high thermal insulation and can be installed without the help of specialists.
  • Insulation for pipes. You can buy insulation for heating, plumbing and sewer pipes from us. We make shells for pipes of expanded polystyrene of any diameter, which allows our customers to prevent freezing of pipes in winter.

Eurodom LLC cares about the interests of its customers, therefore it is engaged in the manufacture of expanded polystyrene products on individual orders, renders services for the disposal of polystyrene scrap and delivers goods to any region of the Russian Federation.


Transport services

We will deliver to your destination on your request.

Production of individual products according to customer size

  • Production of dummies for advertising
  • Lodgment production

We will make your advertising campaign unique, original, not like the others.
Using tool holders made especially for you, you can not worry about the safety of products.


Development of basic design documentation

for construction using the Eurodom system. We will prepare for you a complete package of documents for the construction of your home.

Polystyrene scrap disposal

Specialized processing of already used polystyrene foam.


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Partners and Clients

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